asian style vegetable omelette

Although inspired by Vietnamese pancakes, this omelette is Japanese in style and the filling is more Thai.

For each person allow one egg and ½ a teaspoon of cornflour (cornstarch). In a cup, mix the cornflour to a paste with cold water. In a bowl beat the eggs well and add the cornflour paste with some extra water. Season well with salt and white pepper.  Heat some vegetable oil in a fry pan and pour in one portion of egg, moving the pan so that the mixture spreads quickly to form a thin layer. When one side is cooked turn carefully to the other side and finish cooking before removing to a plate. Repeat for each omelette.

For the stir-fry slice carrots, spring onions and red pepper into thin julienne. Finely dice garlic and chop a generous amount of coriander (cilantro). Heat some vegetable oil in a wok. Cook the garlic briefly before adding the carrots and red pepper. After a few minutes add some bean sprouts and the spring onions and coriander. When slightly wilted add fish sauce and oyster sauce to taste.

To serve, reheat the omelettes (a microwave does this well) and place one on each plate. With a serve of the vegetables on one side of the omelette, fold the other side over the top.

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