spicy tofu with oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms have great texture and robust flavour making this a very satisfying vegetarian meal.


Heat oil in a large flat frypan or wok until smoking hot then add 2 brown shallots, 2-3 cloves of garlic and 2-4 red chillies, all finely diced. Next add large squares of tofu (classic Chinese style) and allow them to fry on both sides to add a little colour. As the tofu is frying add an equal amount or more of oyster mushrooms which have been torn into smaller pieces. When the tofu is sticking and the mushrooms wilting add 1½ tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy (caramel) sauce, some ground white pepper and a sprinkling of black rice vinegar (this is available at Asian stores or you could try apple cider vinegar). Serve with steamed rice and seasonal vegetables and make sure you scrape all the good bits off the bottom of the pan.

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