gado gado 2.0

My first version of gado gado is a little westernised (not such a bad thing) and makes a great meal on it’s own. This recipe, from Fire Islands: Recipes from Indonesia by Eleanor Ford, is a lighter version with a fresher peanut dressing which is served underneath the other ingredients in the traditional manner. It makes an excellent side dish.

First boil 2-3 eggs to your taste (soft-boiled or hard) then shock them in icy cold water and set aside. Next, heat a generous amount of peanut oil (or similar) in a frypan and fry 150g (5½ oz) of cubed silken tofu. When the tofu is browned set it aside. For the salad the recipes suggests these vegetables: 100g (3½ oz) of snake beans or green beans, 2 bok choy, a large handful of water spinach (a.k.a. river spinach, water morning glory, water convolvulus or kangkong), ¼ of a Chinese cabbage and 2 handfuls of beansprouts. I intended to use all of these but forgot to buy bean sprouts. Prepare the beans and cut them into shorter lengths, cut the cabbage into large slices , if the bok choy is large separate the leaves and chop the water spinach into shorter lengths. Place each vegetable into the boiling water and cook until just tender. Use a spider or a sieve to remove each vegetable from the boiling water and stop them cooking by running under cold water. To make the sauce combine 75g (½ a cup) of unsweetened peanut butter with 1 clove of crushed garlic, ½ a teaspoon of salt, ½ a teaspoon of shaved dark palm sugar, 1 tablespoon of kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce) and the juice of a kaffir lime or ½ a lime. Mix well to combine and thin a little with water until you have a consistency you like. Add 2 teaspoons of fried shallots and stir through. To assemble spread the peanut dressing over your serving plate and arrange the vegetables over it. Top with tofu and egg segments.

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