coconut and pandan panna cotta with palm sugar syrup

In south-east Asia pandan leaf is a staple flavouring ingredient. It has a distinctive aroma that’s a little sweet and grassy. Often used to flavour rice, the combination of pandan with coconut milk and palm sugar is particularly popular for desserts. It’s used for jellies, cakes, and all kinds of puddings, which are usually coloured a vibrant green with extra colouring. Here the flavours are combined in a panna cotta. This recipe makes 6 seervings.

Cut 30g (1 oz) of pandan leaf into short lengths and process in a blender with 300g (10½ oz) of coconut cream. Pour this mixture into a saucepan and add 1 cup of full cream milk, 300g (10½ oz) of double cream and 80g (2.8 oz) of sugar. Bring to boil and simmer for a few minutes. While this mixture is heating up, allow the gelatine to bloom. Add 20g (4 teaspoons) of powdered gelatine to a ¼ cup of milk and allow it to sit for a few minutes. When the coconut mixture is ready, strain it through a very fine double mesh strainer or a cloth until no fibres remain. Allow to cool a little and then add the gelatine, stirring to make sure there are no lumps. If you like your panna cotta served on plates, you will need to lightly oil the ramekins in which they will set. Otherwise you can pour the mixture straight into glasses. Chill in the fridge for at least 4 hours. To make the syrup, combine 300g (10½ oz) of roughly chopped dark palm sugar (gula melaka) and 1 cup of water in a small saucepan with a lid. Cover and cook until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture becomes a slightly thickened syrup. Set aside to cool. When the panna cotta are set pour the syrup over the top of each to serve.

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