prawn and butternut curry

The acidity of tomatoes and the sweetness of butternut pumpkin (squash) lend a great balance to this prawn (shrimp) curry. If you’re looking for a way to impress, use the outside of the pumpkin as a serving dish.

In a heavy saucepan, melt some ghee or vegetable oil and add a finely diced onion, 3 cloves of finely minced garlic, an equal amount of finely minced fresh ginger, 2 minced fresh red chillies and 10 or more curry leaves. Cook over low heat until the onion is soft and translucent. Add 2 teaspoons of ground cumin, 1 teaspoon of ground coriander, 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric and ½ a teaspoon of ground fennel. Cook for a few minutes then add 2-4 chopped tomatoes (depending on their size) and 450g (1 lb) of diced butternut pumpkin. Cover and cook over low heat until the pumpkin is just soft enough to eat. Add 315g (¾ lb) shelled, de-veined and de-headed prawns. Cook just until the prawns are opaque. Garnish with chopped fresh coriander (cilantro) and serve with basmati rice or roti.

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