pumpkin with coconut custard

This popular Southeast Asian dessert is not too sweet and makes a lovely end to a spicy meal. It looks impressive when it’s cut open at the table too!

Preheat your oven to 150ºC (300ºF). You will need a small Japanese pumpkin for this dessert. Wash and dry the pumpkin and cut a hole into the top with a sharp knife. This will create a lid. Carefully remove the lid and scoop out the seeds and soft flesh with a spoon. Place the hollowed pumpkin in a Dutch oven or casserole dish. In a bowl, combine 4 eggs, ½ a cup of caster sugar,1 teaspoon of pure vanilla essence, ½ a teaspoon of salt and 275ml (9¼ fl oz) of coconut cream. Whisk well to make a smooth custard. Pour the custard mix into the pumpkin and pour hot water around the pumpkin, approximately 2cm (1″) high. If the pumpkin lid fits under the pot lid, you can put it back in the pumpkin, or you can leave it out altogether. Bake for 1½ hours or until a knife inserted into the centre of the custard comes out clean. The custard may still appear quite soft while it’s hot. Remove the pumpkin from the pot and allow it to cool to room temperature before serving.

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