lime pickle

This quick Indian pickle is made in a pressure cooker. Tart, a little spicy and a little sweet.

Trim and cut 4 lemons into bite-sized pieces, discarding the pips. You should have about 2 cups of lemon pieces. Add 2 tablespoons of sesame oil (or vegetable oil if you prefer) to the pressure cooker and add the cut lemons. Over the top of the lemons add 1½ tablespoons of Kashmiri chilli powder, ½ a teaspoon mustard powder, ¼ of a teaspoon of ground turmeric and 3 teaspoons of salt. Don’t mix the spices in, just close the pressure cooker and cook for 20 minutes then switch off and let the pressure reduce naturally. When the pressure has reduced, add ⅓ – ½ a cup of palm sugar and sauté until the pickle thickens, stirring to prevent sticking. Keep in mind that the pickle will thicken more when it cools. Meanwhile, in a separate pan heat another 3 teaspoons of sesame oil and when it’s hot add 2 teaspoons of black mustard seeds, 1½ teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and ½ a teaspoon of asafoetida. Wait until the mustard seeds splutter then turn off the heat and add to the pickle. Transfer to clean glass jars and, to ensure a good seal, close the lids while the pickle is still hot.

*adapted from this recipe

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