egg curry + moong and red lentil dhal

Here’s a quick recipe for hard-boiled eggs from Madhur Jaffrey’s ILLUSTRATED INDIAN COOKERY. Perfect with rice or paratha or as an addition to a larger Indian meal. First hard-boil 6-8 eggs. Peel and halve them and set aside. To make the sauce, heat some oil over medium heat in a frypan and add 1 finely…… Continue reading egg curry + moong and red lentil dhal

impossible quiche

Impossible pie is so named because it’s impossibly easy. It’s origin is unknown but in the 1970s and 80s it became one of the most successful food marketing strategies in the U.S. for both General Mills (Betty Crocker) and General Foods (now Kraft General Foods). It can be adapted to any kind of pie, savoury…… Continue reading impossible quiche

chèvre, leek and sun-dried tomato frittata

What a delicious combination of flavours! Preheat your oven to 180ºC (350ºF). Wash and chop a leek. Lightly salt and fry it slowly either in olive oil or some of the oil from sun-dried tomatoes. When the leek is soft and a little browned, allow it to cool. In a large bowl combine 200g (7…… Continue reading chèvre, leek and sun-dried tomato frittata

tortilla de patatas

This is the ubiquitous Spanish dish, tortilla Español, made from potatoes and eggs. Some purists leave it at that but others, including Thomas who followed this Serious Eats recipe, add onions. This dish is so versatile – it can be served hot or cold, as a snack with drinks, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In…… Continue reading tortilla de patatas

tortilla de bacalao

You may be familiar with the ubiquitous Spanish tortilla, a delicious potato (and often onion) omelette served as a tapa throughout the country. This tortilla is made instead with bacalao, or salt cod, a popular ingredient on the Iberian peninsula. I served mine with fried potatoes, green bean salad and marinated tomatoes. Whether you buy…… Continue reading tortilla de bacalao

baked eggs with yoghurt and chilli

A delightful brunch made with open range eggs and home-grown roquette and spinach. Adapted from a recipe by Yotam Ottolenghi from his cookbook Plenty. Preheat your oven to 150ºC (300ºF). In a large pan heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil and cook 300g (10½ oz) of roquette and spinach with a sprinkling of salt. When…… Continue reading baked eggs with yoghurt and chilli

gado gado 2.0

My first version of gado gado is a little westernised (not such a bad thing) and makes a great meal on it’s own. This recipe, from Fire Islands: Recipes from Indonesia by Eleanor Ford, is a lighter version with a fresher peanut dressing which is served underneath the other ingredients in the traditional manner. It makes…… Continue reading gado gado 2.0