egg curry + moong and red lentil dhal

Here’s a quick recipe for hard-boiled eggs from Madhur Jaffrey’s ILLUSTRATED INDIAN COOKERY. Perfect with rice or paratha or as an addition to a larger Indian meal. First hard-boil 6-8 eggs. Peel and halve them and set aside. To make the sauce, heat some oil over medium heat in a frypan and add 1 finely…… Continue reading egg curry + moong and red lentil dhal

sticky sesame cauliflower

Sticky and spicy, these cauliflower bites make a perfect vegetarian starter or side. Preheat your oven to 220ºC (425ºF). In a large bowl combine ½ a cup of all-purpose flour, 2 tablespoons of cornflour (cornstarch), ½ a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, ½ a teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of garlic powder. Whisk well while…… Continue reading sticky sesame cauliflower

buckwheat crêpes with mushroom, spinach and goat cheese

Buckwheat flour pancakes are popular in a number of countries including Eastern Europe, Korea and Canada. In France, buckwheat crêpes are usually made with a savoury filling. To make the batter, slowly add 1 cup of milk to 1 cup of buckwheat flour making sure there are no lumps. Add 2 eggs and ½ a teaspoon…… Continue reading buckwheat crêpes with mushroom, spinach and goat cheese

impossible quiche

Impossible pie is so named because it’s impossibly easy. It’s origin is unknown but in the 1970s and 80s it became one of the most successful food marketing strategies in the U.S. for both General Mills (Betty Crocker) and General Foods (now Kraft General Foods). It can be adapted to any kind of pie, savoury…… Continue reading impossible quiche

sweet potato and red lentil patties

Ugly delicious! Eat these patties as they are or enjoy them on a burger bun with all the trimmings. Tomato sauce (ketchup) is a must and (for those who like it spicy) Sriracha sauce as well. Peel 1 large or 2-3 small sweet potatoes, chop them into large pieces and steam them until soft. Take…… Continue reading sweet potato and red lentil patties

buckwheat and mushrooms

Buckwheat is a popular grain in the Slavic countries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland. Here it’s paired with dried porcini (cep) mushrooms in a deliciously nutty and flavourful casserole. Soak 55g (2 oz) of porcini mushrooms in 2 cups of warm water for 2 hours. Now preheat your oven to 190ºC…… Continue reading buckwheat and mushrooms

roasted stuffed butternut

This stuffed and roasted butternut pumpkin (squash) is a beautiful thing to behold and delicious too! An excellent centrepiece for a vegetarian/vegan feast or as part of a celebration. Cindy cooked this one for just such an occasion. A winning recipe from the book RECIPETIN EATS: DINNER by Nagi Maehashi. Preheat your oven to 200°C…… Continue reading roasted stuffed butternut

halloumi chips + grilled asparagus

Halloumi (haloumi) is a traditional Cypriot cheese usually made from goat’s and sheep’s milk or sometimes cow’s milk. Because it has a high melting point, it can easily be fried or grilled. In this recipe, from Donna Hay, the cheese is coated with polenta and baked resulting in deliciously crunchy chips. Cindy served ours with aioli and sweet…… Continue reading halloumi chips + grilled asparagus

oyster mushroom satay

I love this idea for a vegan dish from a recipe by Simone Wimmer of Kitchen Stories. Substantial and tasty, it looks fabulous too. And we enhanced the flavour even further by cooking over coals. First, soak some bamboo skewers in warm water for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, make the satay dipping sauce. In a small…… Continue reading oyster mushroom satay