tocinillo de cielo + almond and orange florentines

My good friend Daniel Aguera introduced me to this traditional Spanish dessert. Although similar to a crème caramel, this rich custard is non-dairy and is made with only eggs, sugar and water. In the early 20th century, the wineries of Jerez de Frontera clarified their wines with egg whites. The left-over egg yolks were donated…… Continue reading tocinillo de cielo + almond and orange florentines

flourless orange and almond cake

Claudia Roden’s orange and almond cake is popular for good reason. Served simply with fresh cream or sour cream it makes a deliciously moist after dinner dessert. First boil 3 oranges until soft. This can be done ahead of time and a pressure cooker greatly reduces the cooking time. When cooled, cut the oranges open…… Continue reading flourless orange and almond cake