
Panforte translated means ‘strong bread’ and comes from the region of Siena in Tuscany, Italy. It was originally known as Panpepato or ‘peppered bread’ due to it’s spicy flavour. It dates back to the 13th century when it was used to pay taxes and is believed to have been carried on quests by Crusaders. My friends Mary, Caroline and I made 2…… Continue reading panforte

rhubarb and blackberry compote

I couldn’t resist buying a bunch of rhubarb recently – it looked so wonderfully bright and fresh. I decided to combine it with blackberries in a baked compote. After washing and trimming the rhubarb, I cut it into short lengths. These went into an oven-proof dish with a cup of blackberries, ¾ cup of caster sugar and…… Continue reading rhubarb and blackberry compote