roasted vegetables with tahini yoghurt sauce

A simple and delicious Middle Eastern twist on roast vegetables. Preheat your oven to 190ºC (375ºF). Wash and cut some cauliflower into florets, some leeks into chunky rounds and some sweet potatoes and carrots into diagonal slices. Put all the vegetables into a bowl along with some whole unpeeled garlic cloves. Season to taste with…… Continue reading roasted vegetables with tahini yoghurt sauce

pork fillet with sage and garlic

Succulent, pink and juicy, these pork fillets were cooked by the sous vide method. Hassle free and perfect for Christmas lunch! Salt the pork fillets with approximately ½ a teaspoon per 450g (1lb). At this stage I sealed mine into a cryovac bag, however it’s possible to re-create this method using a very well sealed ziploc bag and…… Continue reading pork fillet with sage and garlic