saffron ice cream and honey grilled figs 

Bastani Sonnati is a Persian ice cream flavoured with saffron and rosewater and traditionally thickened with salep (sahlep, sahlab or glucomannan), a flour made from the tubers of orchids; and mastic, a resin from the mastic tree. Instead I used cornflour (cornstarch), guar gum and xantham gum. Figs were in season and a delicious accompaniment. For the ice cream,…… Continue reading saffron ice cream and honey grilled figs 

coconut tart with burnt honey and passionfruit

This coconut tart, by Matt Moran for Delicious, is enhanced by the brightness of the passionfruit and the slight bitterness of the burnt honey. The perfect dessert after just about any cuisine. Grease and line a 25cm springform cake tin. Soak 3 sheets of gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. In a saucepan over…… Continue reading coconut tart with burnt honey and passionfruit

leatherwood honeycomb

Leatherwood (Eucryphia lucida) is a species of tree endemic to Tasmania where this honey is produced. The dark amber honey has a distinctive aromatic flavour of spice with a floral afternote. I combined my organic leatherwood honey with vanilla in this honeycomb. Prepare a lined baking tray and have 3 teaspoons of sifted bi-carb soda…… Continue reading leatherwood honeycomb

honey walnut cheesecake with figs cooked in ouzo

Here’s a deconstructed cheesecake which celebrates Greek flavours. A simple and elegant way to serve cheesecake as a dessert for a dinner party. At least a few hours before or even the night before, strain 500g of Greek-style yoghurt. Place in a piece of cheesecloth or fine linen, tie together and hang over a bowl…… Continue reading honey walnut cheesecake with figs cooked in ouzo

burrata and honey panna cotta with candied walnuts

A lovely delicate cheese and honey flavour pair well with crunchy candied walnuts To make the panna cotta pour ¼ of a cup of milk into a small bowl and sprinkle over 7g (¼ oz) of powdered gelatine. Allow it to bloom for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan heat ½ a cup of cream with ½…… Continue reading burrata and honey panna cotta with candied walnuts