seed crackers

For those of you who want to cut down on carbohydrates, or who follow a gluten free diet, these delicious and delightfully crunchy crackers taste great with dips, cheese…..anything. They are not too difficult to make and are similar to some exorbitantly priced crackers available in supermarkets today. Each of these crackers has less than…… Continue reading seed crackers

poppy seed cake

This is more like a slightly sweet bread than a cake. It’s delicious for breakfast and is actually traditionally eaten as a wedding breakfast amongst the Sorbian people, a Slavic race who number only 60,000 and live in Saxony, Germany. The recipe is adapted from the book Culinaria GERMANY. To make the dough mix 4 cups of flour with 2¼ teaspoons of dried yeast,…… Continue reading poppy seed cake

poppy seed and almond cake

This deliciously moist flourless cake is equally good for dessert or afternoon tea. To make it you will need 100g butter, ¾ cup sugar, 3 large eggs, 1½ cups poppy seeds, 2½ cups almond meal, 1 teaspoon bi-carb soda, 2 cups buttermilk and 1 teaspoon almond essence. Preheat the oven to 180C (350F). Combine the butter and sugar then add the eggs…… Continue reading poppy seed and almond cake