spinach and ricotta gnocchi

Another fabulous River Café recipe. Light and airy fresh ricotta dumplings swimming in a butter and sage sauce. What’s not to like? Blanch 1kg (2¼ lbs) of spinach in boiling water until wilted. Squeeze the cooked spinach dry and chop it roughly. In a pan melt a ¼ of a cup of unsalted butter and…… Continue reading spinach and ricotta gnocchi

pork fillet with sage and garlic

Succulent, pink and juicy, these pork fillets were cooked by the sous vide method. Hassle free and perfect for Christmas lunch! Salt the pork fillets with approximately ½ a teaspoon per 450g (1lb). At this stage I sealed mine into a cryovac bag, however it’s possible to re-create this method using a very well sealed ziploc bag and…… Continue reading pork fillet with sage and garlic

butternut ravioli

Filled with a sweet and savoury butternut filling, this pasta is enhanced with crisp sage, golden hazelnuts and butter. Cut the butternut pumpkin into large wedges and place in a baking dish with 1 finely diced red onion. Season with salt, freshly ground black pepper, a grating of fresh nutmeg and some dried chilli flakes to taste.…… Continue reading butternut ravioli

polenta with mushrooms and sage

Mushrooms at their best with sage and cheesy polenta. For this dish you will need at least 450g (1lb) of mushrooms (I used Swiss brown) and a few dried porcini mushrooms. Soak the porcini mushrooms in a little boiling water until soft. Meanwhile fry 20-30 fresh sage leaves in olive oil until crisp and set…… Continue reading polenta with mushrooms and sage