seafood on the Iberian Peninsula

Surrounded on all sides by sea, the Iberian Peninsula abounds in seafood of every kind. On my recent travels I did my best to try as many different dishes as possible. The seafood was treated simply and with respect, not overcooked and often seasoned with just salt and perhaps a little olive oil. It was…… Continue reading seafood on the Iberian Peninsula

scallops in coconut sauce with fresh basil

Here’s a really quick and easy meal which is still luxurious and impressive. From a can of coconut milk take the thick coconut cream and melt it in a wide saucepan over moderate heat. Add 1 tablespoon of Thai roasted chilli paste in soya oil (you will find this at any Asian store which sells Thai food…… Continue reading scallops in coconut sauce with fresh basil

seafood and couscous salad

Lovers of seafood will appreciate this salad. The two kinds of couscous create a wonderful texture and it’s easy to prepare ahead of time. A great alternative to pasta marinara on a hot day. In a medium to large saucepan boil water with a drizzle of oil and some salt and add a 250g  (8¾ oz) packet…… Continue reading seafood and couscous salad