sweet potato and red lentil patties

Ugly delicious! Eat these patties as they are or enjoy them on a burger bun with all the trimmings. Tomato sauce (ketchup) is a must and (for those who like it spicy) Sriracha sauce as well. Peel 1 large or 2-3 small sweet potatoes, chop them into large pieces and steam them until soft. Take…… Continue reading sweet potato and red lentil patties

roasted stuffed butternut

This stuffed and roasted butternut pumpkin (squash) is a beautiful thing to behold and delicious too! An excellent centrepiece for a vegetarian/vegan feast or as part of a celebration. Cindy cooked this one for just such an occasion. A winning recipe from the book RECIPETIN EATS: DINNER by Nagi Maehashi. Preheat your oven to 200°C…… Continue reading roasted stuffed butternut

oyster mushroom satay

I love this idea for a vegan dish from a recipe by Simone Wimmer of Kitchen Stories. Substantial and tasty, it looks fabulous too. And we enhanced the flavour even further by cooking over coals. First, soak some bamboo skewers in warm water for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, make the satay dipping sauce. In a small…… Continue reading oyster mushroom satay

tempeh kecap

Tempeh (tempe) is a fermented soybean cake from Indonesia, particularly popular in Java where it is a staple protein. Unlike tofu, tempeh is made from whole soybeans which are fermented using a fungus as starter. The whole soybeans retain more protein, fibre and texture and the earthy taste develops over time. Tempeh is widely available…… Continue reading tempeh kecap

butternut and cashew curry

This lovely Sri Lankan curry, adapted from this recipe by Annabel Crabbe, makes a satisfying main. Peel and cut 1 butternut pumpkin (squash) into wedges and place them in a large bowl. Drizzle with oil, season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper and toss to coat everything. You can roast the wedges of…… Continue reading butternut and cashew curry

green couscous + roasted tomatoes

A great way to eat your greens. Slightly adapted from a recipe in PLENTY by Yotam Ottolenghi. Soak 150g (5⅓ oz) of couscous in 160ml (5½ fl oz) 0f boiling water or stock. While it’s soaking, heat some olive oil in a frypan. Fry 1 finely sliced onion and ¼ of a teaspoon each of…… Continue reading green couscous + roasted tomatoes

black fungus, shiitake mushroom and tofu hotpot

This Chinese style vegetarian (and vegan) dish is substantial enough to be a meal on its own or serve it along with other dishes as part of a banquet. A ceramic pot or tagine is ideal for this dish. In separate bowls soak the dried Shiitake mushrooms and the black (wood-ear) fungus in boiling water…… Continue reading black fungus, shiitake mushroom and tofu hotpot

spicy tofu with oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms have great texture and robust flavour making this a very satisfying vegetarian meal. Heat oil in a large flat frypan or wok until smoking hot then add 2 brown shallots, 2-3 cloves of garlic and 2-4 red chillies, all finely diced. Next add large squares of tofu (classic Chinese style) and allow them to fry on…… Continue reading spicy tofu with oyster mushrooms

coconut and lime ice cream

This ice cream is light and refreshing with a smooth consistency. Dairy and egg free, it is thickened with agar-agar powder. Agar-agar (or Kanten in Japan) is a natural gelling substance extracted from algae. Unlike gelatine, agar-agar is heat resistant once set and is therefore an excellent food stabiliser and is often used in molecular gastronomy. It doesn’t impart any flavour…… Continue reading coconut and lime ice cream