rabbit with white beans and chorizo

Here’s a wonderfully complex rabbit dish. Serve it with crusty white bread and a fresh salad. If using dried beans soak 100g (3½ oz) overnight in 3 times their volume of water. Cook them until just tender then drain them and set aside (a can of white beans will work too). Cut a fresh rabbit into 6…… Continue reading rabbit with white beans and chorizo

roasted and raw cauliflower, fennel and white bean salad

Here’s an interesting, substantial and very delicious salad. Cut half a head of cauilflower into florets and season with salt and pepper. Toss in a little olive oil and either fry or roast in a hot oven until browning. Finely slice the other half of the cauliflower as well as a large fennel bulb (a mandoline…… Continue reading roasted and raw cauliflower, fennel and white bean salad