black fungus, shiitake mushroom and tofu hotpot

This Chinese style vegetarian (and vegan) dish is substantial enough to be a meal on its own or serve it along with other dishes as part of a banquet. A ceramic pot or tagine is ideal for this dish. In separate bowls soak the dried Shiitake mushrooms and the black (wood-ear) fungus in boiling water…… Continue reading black fungus, shiitake mushroom and tofu hotpot

three sichuan salads

More cold dishes from The Food of Sichuan by Fuchsia Dunlop: “A Sichuan feast always begins with a teasing spread of cold dishes to arouse the senses and set the mood for the meal to come.” These three salads are all easy to make and delectable. Spicy steamed eggplant (aubergine) salad. For this salad, cut…… Continue reading three sichuan salads