lemon panna cotta with oranges in syrup

This zingy lemon panna cotta pairs beautifully with the sweetness of orange segments in a honey and cardamom syrup. It’s an impressive dessert that can be made ahead of time.

To make the panna cotta, first place 3 sheets of gelatine (15g or .53 oz) in some cold water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, place 300ml (10 fl oz) of double cream, 90 ml (3 fl oz) of lemon juice and 90g (3 oz) of sugar in a saucepan over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved. Squeeze the water from the gelatine sheets and add them to the cream and lemon mixture, stirring well until dissolved. Carefully pour the mixture into your serving glasses and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or until set. For the oranges in syrup, heat 90ml (3 fl oz) of orange juice, 50ml (1¾ fl oz) of water, 60ml (2 fl oz) of runny honey and the crushed seeds of 4 cardamom pods. Bring to the boil, stirring from time to time, and cook until the mixture is quite syrupy. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool. Peel 2 large oranges, removing as much pith as possible and either segment or finely slice them, placing them in a shallow dish. Pour the cooled syrup over the top. When the panna cotta is set, place the orange segments on the top and pour the syrup over them.

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